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      423 North 6th Street Fort Smith, AR

      Ph: 479-424-1146
      Fx: 479-424-2739

CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/24/2014
Stephen Womack

Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR5542

To amend the Agricultural Act of 2014 to require the Secretary of Agriculture to extend the term of a marketing assistance loan and the deadline for repayment of a farm ownership, operating, or emergency loan when the purchaser of the agricultural commodity subject to the marketing assistance loan declared bankruptcy before paying the farmer for the commodity.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Agriculture....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
Stephen Womack

Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR5253

To amend the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 to require consultation with States before awarding grants or contracts for housing facilities for unaccompanied alien children.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/25/2014
Stephen Womack

Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4943

To improve the training of child protection professionals.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the commit...

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 6/25/2014
Stephen Womack

Stephen Womack   has sponsored bill HR4921

To provide for the revision of certification requirements for the labeling of certain electronic products under the Energy Star program.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4813

    To nullify certain rules of the Environmental Protection Agency relating to greenhouse gas emissions from existing, new, and modified or reconstructed electric utility generating units.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4810

    Veteran Access to Care Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by recorded vote (2/3 required): 426 - 0 (Roll no. 287)....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4792

    Empower Employees Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 6/3/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack   has sponsored bill HR4713

    JOE Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 5/15/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4657

    To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent certain provisions of the Heartland, Habitat, Harvest, and Horticulture Act of 2008 relating to timber, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack   has sponsored bill HR4430

    Protecting the Sustainable Use of Spent Grains Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4355

    To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 201 B Street in Perryville, Arkansas, as the "Harold George Bennett Post Office".

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4320

    Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 21 - 14....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4319

    Common Sense in Species Protection Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/4/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4139

    American Job Creation and Strategic Alliances LNG Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Power....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/4/2014
    Stephen Womack

    Stephen Womack  has co-sponsored bill HR4139

    To promote United States economic growth and job creation and strengthen strategic partnerships with United States allies, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon