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      50 Washington Road West Windsor, NJ

      Ph: 609-750-9365
      Fx: 609-750-0618

CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 12/6/2014
Rush Holt

Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5800

To prohibit Federal agencies from mandating the deployment of vulnerabilities in data security technologies.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select), and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the co...

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 11/21/2014
Rush Holt

Rush Holt   has sponsored bill HR5741

To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require a voter-verified permanent paper ballot under title III of such Act, and for other purposes.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of ...

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 11/15/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt   has sponsored bill HR5704

    To amend title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to establish a Master Teacher Corp program.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/24/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5622

    To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to include automated fire sprinkler system retrofits as section 179 property and classify certain automated fire sprinkler system retrofits as 15-year property for purposes of depreciation.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/24/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5621

    To amend title 49, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Transportation to carry out a transit accessibility innovation program, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/23/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5503

    To reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on the Budget, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of t...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/23/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5486

    To require the Consumer Product Safety Commission to promulgate a rule to require child safety packaging for liquid nicotine containers, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/23/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5478

    To amend title 10, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Defense to make certain limitations on the transfer of personal property to Federal and State agencies, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/5/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5314

    To amend title 31, United States Code, to enhance the Federal Government's planning and preparation for extreme weather, and the Federal Government's dissemination of best practices to respond to extreme weather, thereby increasing resiliency, improving regional coordination, and mitigating the financial risk to the Federal Government from such extreme weather.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the ju...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5280

    To strengthen the current protections available under the National Labor Relations Act by providing a private right of action for certain violations of such Act, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the commit...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5271

    To cap the emissions of greenhouse gases through a requirement to purchase carbon permits, to distribute the proceeds of such purchases to eligible individuals, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee con...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5185

    EARLY Act Reauthorization of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 7/25/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5159

    To permit employees to request changes to their work schedules without fear of retaliation, and to ensure that employers consider these requests; and to require employers to provide more predictable and stable schedules for employees in certain growing low-wage occupations, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committees on House Administration, Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of s...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 7/16/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5091

    To consolidate within the Department of Defense all executive authority regarding the use of armed unmanned aerial vehicles, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select), for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the c...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 7/10/2014
    Rush Holt

    Rush Holt  has co-sponsored bill HR5009

    Military Separation Pay Fairness Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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