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      9220 Kimmer Drive Suite #220 Lone Tree, CO

      Ph: 720-283-9772
      Fx: 720-283-9776

    • Michael "Mike" Coffman is the U.S. Representative for Colorado's 6th congressional district, serving since 2009. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as the Secretary of State of Colorado (2007–2009) and the Colorado State Treasurer (1999–2005 & 2006–2007)....
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CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/24/2014
Michael Coffman

Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR5668

To suspend the provision of United States foreign assistance to the Palestinian Authority, and for other purposes.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs....

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CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/5/2014
Michael Coffman

Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR5384

To amend the Public Health Service Act to extend health plan coverage to dependent children in the individual and group market, contingent on the enactment of legislation repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and for other purposes.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 8/5/2014
Michael Coffman

Michael Coffman   has sponsored bill HR5328

To amend the Public Health Service Act to prohibit application of preexisting condition exclusions and to guarantee availability of health insurance coverage in the individual and group market, contingent on the enactment of legislation repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and for other purposes.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 8/5/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR5321

    To amend the Public Health Service Act to limit rescissions of coverage under health plans in the individual and group market, contingent on the enactment of legislation repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman   has sponsored bill HR5237


    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary....

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  • Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman   has sponsored bill HR5196

    Unified Savings and Accountability Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, House Administration, and Rules, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker...

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 7/18/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman   has sponsored bill HR5113

    To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to end the increased Federal funding for Medicaid expansion with respect to inmates' hospital care under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, to apply the savings towards a 2015 Medicare Advantage stabilization program to help protect seniors' choices, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee con...

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  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4810

    Veteran Access to Care Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by recorded vote (2/3 required): 426 - 0 (Roll no. 287)....

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 5/15/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4646

    To establish an independent advisory committee to review certain regulations, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and in addition to the Committee on Rules, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee ...

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 5/15/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4628

    To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize additional leave for members of the Armed Forces in connection with the birth of a child.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services....

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4434

    Africa Counter Terrorism Initiative Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4370

    Veterans Information Security Improvement Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations....

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4332

    To direct the Secretary of the Treasury to increase the dollar limitation on the de minimis safe harbor from treatment as a capital expenditure for taxpayers without applicable financial statements.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

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    Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 4/4/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman   has sponsored bill HR4261

    To improve the research of Gulf War Illness, the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/4/2014
    Michael Coffman

    Michael Coffman  has co-sponsored bill HR4137

    Preserving Welfare for Needs Not Weed Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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