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        Congress 113
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      101 Northwest Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Room 124 Evansville, IN

      Ph: 812-465-6484
      Fx: 812-422-4761

CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/24/2014
Larry Bucshon

Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR5544

To increase the understanding of the health effects of low doses of ionizing radiation.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 7/15/2014
Larry Bucshon

Larry Bucshon   has sponsored bill HR5056

To improve the efficiency of Federal research and development, and for other purposes.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 7/11/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon   has sponsored bill HR5035

    To reauthorize the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 7/10/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR5031

    To define STEM education to include computer science, and to support existing STEM education programs at the National Science Foundation.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/25/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4854

    Regulatory Certainty Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4813

    To nullify certain rules of the Environmental Protection Agency relating to greenhouse gas emissions from existing, new, and modified or reconstructed electric utility generating units.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4810

    Veteran Access to Care Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by recorded vote (2/3 required): 426 - 0 (Roll no. 287)....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/12/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4797

    Clarification of Legal Enforcement Against Non-criminal Energy Producers Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/3/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4775

    To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt certain educational institutions from the employer health insurance mandate, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the commi...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/3/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4773

    To expand opportunity through greater choice in education, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, and Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fal...

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 5/15/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4628

    To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize additional leave for members of the Armed Forces in connection with the birth of a child.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 5/15/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4599

    To authorize the use of force against those nations, organizations, or persons responsible for the attack against United States personnel in Benghazi, Libya.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4370

    Veterans Information Security Improvement Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4366

    Strengthening Education through Research Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by Voice Vote....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon

    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/18/2014
    Larry Bucshon

    Larry Bucshon  has co-sponsored bill HR4321

    Employee Privacy Protection Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 21 - 17....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
    • Nay Icon