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      1811 West Second Street, Suite 105 Grand Island, NE

      Ph: 308-384-3900
      Fx: 308-384-3902

CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 9/23/2014
Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR5483

To amend title 10, United States Code, to continue the national security exemption from emissions regulations when an excess Department of Defense vehicle covered by the exemption is transferred to a firefighting agency in a State or to any other State agency.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee con...

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 8/1/2014
Adrian Smith

Adrian Smith   has sponsored bill HR5295

To amend title 49, United States Code, with respect to apportionments under the Airport Improvement Program, and for other purposes.

Current Status Icon  Current Status
Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 7/25/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith   has sponsored bill HR5129

    UAC State Notification Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 7/18/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR5118

    To direct the Attorney General to report to Congress on the numbers of aliens unlawfully present in the United States who appear and fail to appear before immigration judges for proceedings under section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 7/16/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR5105

    To direct the Attorney General to report to Congress on the numbers of aliens unlawfully present in the United States who appear and fail to appear before immigration judges for proceedings under section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 6/25/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR4934

    To prohibit certain Federal agencies from using or purchasing certain firearms, and for other purposes.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 5/15/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith   has sponsored bill HR4562

    To authorize early repayment of obligations to the Bureau of Reclamation within the Northport Irrigation District in the State of Nebraska.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

  • Yea Icon
  • Nay Icon

  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/4/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR4137

    Preserving Welfare for Needs Not Weed Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 4/4/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR4137

    To prohibit assistance provided under the program of block grants to States for temporary assistance for needy families from being accessed through the use of an electronic benefit transfer card at any store that offers marijuana for sale.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 3/7/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR4137

    Preserving Welfare for Needs Not Weed Act

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 3/7/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR4137

    To prohibit assistance provided under the program of block grants to States for temporary assistance for needy families from being accessed through the use of an electronic benefit transfer card at any store that offers marijuana for sale.

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

    • Yea Icon
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    Sponsored Bill Icon SPONSORED A BILL 2/7/2014
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith   has sponsored bill HR3991

    Critical Access Hospital Relief Act of 2014

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means....

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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  • CoSponsored Bill Icon COSPONSORED A BILL 10/24/2013
    Adrian Smith

    Adrian Smith  has co-sponsored bill HR3302

    To name the Department of Veterans Affairs medical center in Bay Pines, Florida, as the "C.W. Bill Young Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center".

    Current Status Icon  Current Status
    Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote....

    • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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