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    BILL INTRODUCED 3/13/2014





    • S.2142 : A bill to impose targeted sanctions on persons responsible for violations of human rights of antigovernment protesters in Venezuela, to strengthen civil society in Venezuela, and for other purposes.

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Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014 - Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the United States aspires to a mutually beneficial relationship with Venezuela based on respect for human rights and the rule of law, and a productive relationship on issues of public security; (2) the United States supports the efforts of the people of Venezuela to realize their economic potential and advance representative democracy; (3) the government of Venezuela's mismanagement of its economy has produced conditions of economic hardship; (4) the government's failure to guarantee public security has led Venezuela to become one of the most violent countries in the world; (5) the government continues to remove checks and balances on the executive, politicize the judiciary, undermine the independence of the legislature, persecute its political opponents, curtail freedom of the press, and limit the free expression of its citizens; (6) the people of Venezuela have turned out in demonstrations throughout the country to protest the government's inability to ensure the political and economic well-being of its citizens; and (7) the use of violence by the National Guard and security personnel is intolerable and the use of unprovoked violence by protesters is also a matter of serious concern.

States that it is U.S. policy to: (1) support the development of democratic political processes and independent civil society in Venezuela, (2) ensure the peaceful resolution of the current situation in Venezuela, and (3) hold accountable government and security officials in Venezuela responsible for the use of force in relation to the antigovernment protests that began on February 4, 2014.

Directs the President to impose asset blocking and U.S. exclusion sanctions against any person, including a current or former government of Venezuela official or a person acting on behalf of such government, who has: (1) perpetrated or is responsible for otherwise directing significant acts of violence or serious human rights abuses against persons associated with the antigovernment protests in Venezuela that began on February 4, 2014; (2) directed or ordered the arrest or prosecution of a person primarily because of the person's legitimate exercise of freedom of expression or assembly; or (3) materially assisted or provided significant financial, material, or technological support for the commission of such acts.

Sets forth related penalty requirements.

States that U.S. exclusion sanctions shall not apply if necessary to permit the United States to comply with the Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations or other applicable international obligations.

Authorizes the President to waive sanctions if in the U.S. national security interests, and with congressional notification.

Directs: (1) the Secretary of State to take specified actions to support civil society in Venezuela, and (2) the President to submit a strategy to Congress to carry out such activities.