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    BILL INTRODUCED 3/13/2014





    • S.2129 : A bill to amend the Department of Energy Organization Act to improve technology transfer at the Department of Energy by reducing bureaucratic barriers to industry, entrepreneurs, and small businesses, as well as ensure that public investments in research and development generate the greatest return on investment for taxpayers, and for other purposes.

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Accelerating Technology Transfer to Advance Innovation for the Nation Act of 2014 or ATTAIN Act of 2014 - Amends the Department of Energy Organization Act to establish the Office of Advanced Research, Technology Transfer, and Innovation in Energy (OARTTIE), under the direction of a Technology Transfer Coordinator, to improve Department of Energy (DOE) consolidation, coordination, and use of technology transfer resources.

Tasks the Office with improvement of procurement, contracting, and partnership procedures for technology transfer.

Enumerates the types of information collected by DOE or the National Laboratories from recipients of financial assistance awards or technology transfer partners that shall be considered privileged and confidential and therefore, not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Instructs DOE to establish a T2-Corps, modeled after the I-Corps of the National Science Foundation (NSF), to: (1) support investments in entrepreneurs, mentors, and principal investigators; and (2) invest in technology maturation, market assessment, and increasing industry and small business access to intellectual property and core DOE and National Laboratories capabilities.

Requires the OARTTIE to establish: (1) teams of entrepreneurs and mentors, selected competitively and each headed by a technology transfer office; and (2) technology commercialization challenges.

Directs DOE and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA) to establish jointly a Technology Transfer Investment Initiative to coordinate a partnership program carried out by the OARTTIE and the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program of the SBA in order to leverage the strengths of the SBIC program to benefit the T2-Corps teams completing the DOE program.