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    BILL INTRODUCED 11/21/2013





Victims Protection Act of 2013 - Revises or adds provisions concerning sexual assault prevention and response programs and activities within the Department of Defense (DOD), including provisions concerning:

a prohibition on service within the Armed Forces by individuals convicted of certain sexual offenses;
the inclusion of information on sexual-related offenses within military service records;
increased responsibilities within DOD's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office;
review of the adequacy of training for members of the Armed Forces (members) on sexual assault prevention and response;
programs for the provision of a Special Victims' Counsel for victims of sexual assault;
commanding officer responsibilities and actions with respect to sexual offenses involving members;
the investigation of allegations of retaliatory personnel actions after protected communications regarding sexual assault;
independent panel duties concerning the review and assessment of judicial proceedings of sexual assault cases;
additional military department actions on sexual assault prevention and response;
sexual assault prevention and response within the military service academies; and
collaboration between DOD and the Department of Justice (DOJ) in efforts to prevent and respond to sexual assault.
Revises or adds provisions concerning court-martial actions for offenses involving sex-related crimes, including provisions concerning:

elimination of the five-year statute of limitations on trial by court-martial;
mandatory discharge or dismissal upon conviction for certain sex-related offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ);
limitations on the modification of court-martial findings;
a report on UCMJ modifications to prohibit sexual acts and contacts between military instructors and trainees; and
the discharge, in lieu of court-martial, of members who commit sex-related offenses.
Outlines provisions concerning other military justice and legal matters, including provisions concerning:

the prohibition of retaliation against members for reporting a criminal offense;
the extension of crime victims' rights to victims of offenses under the UCMJ; and
preliminary hearings on alleged offenses under the UCMJ.