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    BILL INTRODUCED 11/4/2013





Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act - Permits individuals to continue their individual health insurance coverage in which they are enrolled on December 31, 2013, if they meet requirements applied to such coverage, unless the health insurance issuer cancels all coverage offered in the individual market and ceases operations as a health insurance issuer. Deems such coverage: (1) as a grandfathered health plan under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and (2) to be minimum essential health coverage.

Amends PPACA to require health insurance issuers in the individual market annually, at the time of enrollment and renewal, to provide enrollees with a notice that states: (1) the reasons that such coverage, if applicable, does not meet the requirements under PPACA for a qualified health plan, including citations to the requirements involved; (2) that the enrollee has the right to continue to enroll in such coverage; and (3) that the enrollee has the right to enroll in a qualified health plan offered through a health care exchange and instructions on how to access the exchange.

Requires a health insurance issuer's cancellation notice for individual health insurance coverage to contain a statement of the reasons for the cancellation, including a reference to any provision of PPACA that the issuer relied upon in making the determination to cancel. Exempts from this notice requirement a health plan that has provided, before enactment of this Act, a notification of cancellation that has not yet taken effect. Allows an enrollee to continue coverage under the plan if the issuer continues to offer it, and the issuer shall provide a subsequent notification to the enrollee that states: (1) that such plan will remain in effect at the enrollee's option, and (2) the reasons that the plan does not otherwise meet PPACA requirements for a qualified health plan.