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    BILL INTRODUCED 10/29/2013





Critical Minerals Policy Act of 2013 - Directs the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to: (1) publish in the Federal Register a methodology for determining which minerals qualify as critical minerals, based upon potential supply restrictions and importance of in use; and (2) review such methodology and designations every five years.

Amends the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research and Development Act of 1980 to direct the President to: (1) establish an analytical and forecasting capability for identifying critical mineral market dynamics relevant to policy formulation, and (2) encourage federal agency actions to facilitate the development and production of domestic resources to meet national critical material and minerals needs.

Directs the Secretary to: (1) conduct a comprehensive national assessment of critical minerals, and (2) enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to update its report "Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands."

Directs the Secretaries of the Interior and of Agriculture to: (1) ensure that federal permitting and review processes inform decisionmakers and affected communities about the potential positive and negative impacts of proposed mining activities, (2) report to Congress on agency measures regarding permitting activities for the exploration and development of domestic critical minerals, and (3) develop and publish target levels of performance for agency management of activities associated with exploration and development of domestic critical minerals.

Directs the Secretary of Energy (DOE) to conduct research and development to promote: (1) the production, use, and recycling of critical minerals throughout the supply chain; and (2) development of alternatives to critical minerals.

Requires the Secretary to publish an annual report that includes a comprehensive: (1) review of critical mineral production, consumption, and recycling patterns; and (2) forecast ("Annual Critical Minerals Outlook") of projected mineral production, consumption, and recycling patterns.

Directs the Secretary of Labor to assess the domestic availability of technically trained personnel necessary for critical mineral assessment, production, manufacturing, recycling, analysis, forecasting, and an analysis of skills deemed in the shortest supply and projected to be in short supply in the future.

Directs the Secretaries of the Interior and of Labor to arrange jointly with the NAS and the National Academy of Engineering to coordinate with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to design an interdisciplinary program on critical minerals that will support the critical mineral supply chain and improve U.S. ability to increase domestic, critical mineral exploration, development, and manufacturing.

Directs the Secretary and the NSF to conduct a joint competitive four-year grant program for institutions of higher education to implement integrated critical mineral education, training, and workforce development programs.

Instructs the Secretary of State to promote, in coordination with the Secretaries of the Interior and of DOE, international cooperation on critical mineral supply chain issues with U.S. allies.

Directs DOE to support research programs that focus on: (1) novel uses for cobalt, and (2) advanced lead manufacturing processes.

Amends the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to direct DOE to make grants for research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of domestic industrial processes to enhance domestic lithium production for advanced battery technologies.

Requires DOE to: (1) study the issues associated with establishing a licensing pathway for the complete thorium nuclear fuel cycle, and (2) conduct a program to identify, research, and develop rare earth elements from nontraditional sources.

Repeals the National Critical Materials Act of 1984.