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    BILL INTRODUCED 6/20/2013





National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 - Division A: Department of Defense Authorizations - Title I: Procurement - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 101) Authorizes appropriations for FY2014 for the Department of Defense (DOD) for procurement for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Air Force, and defense-wide activities in amounts specified in the funding table in Division D of this Act.

Subtitle C [sic]: Navy Programs - (Sec. 121) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy, beginning with the FY2014 program year, to enter into a multiyear contract for the procurement of E-2D aircraft.

(Sec. 122) Amends the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Warner Act) to increase the cost limitation baseline for the lead ship in the CVN-21 class aircraft carrier program. Includes as an additional factor for the adjustment of such limitation any increase or decrease attributable to the shipboard test program. Directs the Secretary of the Navy to submit quarterly to the congressional defense and appropriations committees the most current cost estimate for the CVN-79 class aircraft carrier, with a payment limitation for costs in excess of certain authorized amounts.

(Sec. 123) Amends the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2010 to repeal certain requirements and limitations on procurement programs for future naval surface combatants.

(Sec. 124) Amends the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Skelton Act) to require the Secretary of the Navy to maintain sufficient numbers of EP-3 airborne reconnaissance integrated electronic system II spiral 3 aircraft ( EP-3 aircraft) and special projects aircraft version P909 (P909 aircraft) to support the wartime operational plans of the U.S. Pacific Command using realistic basing assumptions. Requires such Secretary to maintain sufficient numbers of the EP-3 aircraft and associated personnel to sustain five such aircraft for allocation to the commanders of combatant commands under the global force management allocation plan. Directs such Secretary to: (1) extend the spiral 3 configuration upgrade to include a 12th aircraft, and (2) correct electronic intelligence system obsolescence deficiencies in both the EP-3 and P909 aircraft. Requires the Chairman of the Joint Requirements Oversight Council to coordinate with the commanders of the combatant commands to determine requirements for the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities and capacity to be provided to the P909 aircraft. Directs such Secretary to maintain sufficient numbers of such aircraft to satisfy such requirements. Terminates such requirements relating to the EP-3 aircraft when the multi-intelligence broad area maritime system TRITON aircraft with signals intelligence capabilities equal or greater than the EP-3 aircraft reaches initial operational capability.

(Sec. 125) Directs the Chief of Naval Operations to report to the defense and appropriations committees on the current concept of operations and expected survivability attributes of each of the littoral combat ship sea frames.

Subtitle D: Air Force Programs - (Sec. 131) Requires the Secretary of the Air Force to consider, as part of the recapitalization of the Air Force tactical airlift fleet, upgrades to legacy C-130H aircraft designed to help meet Air Force fuel efficiency goals and the retention of such aircraft in the tactical airlift fleet.

(Sec. 132) Amends the Warner Act to remove the requirement that: (1) any retired B-52 aircraft have a common capability configuration, and (2) the Secretary of the Air Force maintain at least 74 of the KC-135E aircraft retired after September 30, 2006, in a condition that would allow their recall for reserve, National Guard, or aerial refueling purposes.

(Sec. 134) Prohibits the Secretary of the Air Force from obligating or expending any funds for procurement of C-27J aircraft not under contract as of June 1, 2013.

Subtitle E: Joint and Multiservice Matters - (Sec. 151) Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force, beginning with the FY2014 program year, to enter into a multiyear contract for the procurement of C-130J aircraft for the Air Force and the Navy.

(Sec. 152) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) armed, cargo, and utility helicopters are instrumental to DOD's ability to execute the National Security Strategy; (2) DOD should consider the health and viability of the military helicopter industrial base when building its annual research, development, and acquisition budget request; and (3) DOD and Congress should endeavor to maintain budget and program predictability in order to attract and retain a skilled workforce to ensure the technological capabilities required to sustain the preeminence of the U.S. military helicopter fleets.

Title II: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 201) Authorizes appropriations for FY2014 for DOD for research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) in amounts specified in the funding table.

Subtitle B: Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations - (Sec. 211) Prohibits any FY2014 RDT&E funds for the conventional prompt global strike program from being obligated or expended until 60 days after the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy reports to the defense and appropriations committees addressing policy considerations concerning ambiguity problems regarding the launch of conventional prompt global strike missiles from submarine platforms.

(Sec. 212) Revises, generally, elements of the biennial strategic plan of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Transfers from the Secretary of Defense (Secretary) to the Director of DARPA responsibility for the submission of each such plan.

(Sec. 213) Extends through FY2017 a DOD program of awards in recognition of advanced technology achievements.

(Sec. 214) Amends the Skelton Act to extend until October 1, 2020, a pilot program to include technology protection features during research and development (R&D) of defense systems.

(Sec. 215) Amends the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Hunter Act) to extend through FY2020 DOD authority to provide a certain percentage of funds to defense laboratories for competitive R&D of technologies for military missions.

(Sec. 216) Authorizes the Secretary of the Air Force to procure the existing Blue Devil 1 intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems. Requires such Secretary, upon electing not to procure Blue Devil 1 aircraft systems under such systems, to submit to the defense, appropriations, and intelligence committees a plan to replace the capacity provided by such aircraft systems with a comparable or improved capability. Outlines requirements with respect to achievements of replacement capability.

Subtitle C: Missile Defense Programs - (Sec. 231) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) it is a national priority to defend the U.S. homeland against the threat of a limited ballistic missile attack; (2) the currently-deployed ground-based midcourse defense system (GBMDS) provides protection for the entire United States against such an attack from North Korea and Iran, although its capability should be improved; (3) it is essential that the GBMDS achieve appropriate levels of reliability, availability, sustainability, and operational performance; (4) the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) should correct problems encountered during the December 2010 flight test of the GBMDS; (5) DOD should continue to enhance the performance and reliability of the GBMDS against the evolving missile threats from North Korea and Iran; (6) the MDA should continue GBMDS testing; (7) DOD has taken a number of steps to hedge against possible future growth in the ballistic threat to the U.S. homeland from such countries; and (8) DOD should continue to evaluate such threat and consider possibilities for prudent, affordable, and cost-effective steps to improve U.S. posture against future growth in such threats. Directs the Secretary to report to the defense and appropriations committees on potential future options for enhancing U.S. homeland ballistic missile defense.

(Sec. 232) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) the threat from regional ballistic missiles, particularly from North Korea and Iran, is serious and growing and puts at risk forward-deployed U.S. forces as well as U.S. allies and partners; (2) DOD and the United States have an obligation to protect such forces and allies; (3) the European phased adaptive approach to missile defense is an appropriate and prudent response to such threat; and (4) DOD should continue to develop, test, and plan to deploy phases 2 and 3 of such approach and should continue with other phased and adaptive regional missile defense efforts. Directs the Secretary to report to the defense and appropriations committees on the status and progress of regional missile defense programs and efforts.

(Sec. 233) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) it is in the U.S. national security interest to pursue efforts at missile defense cooperation with Russia, (2) the United States should pursue such efforts on a bilateral and multilateral basis with its North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies, (3) such cooperation should not in any way limit U.S. or NATO missile defense capabilities, (4) the United States should pursue such cooperation in a manner that safeguards classified information and allows for a defense technology cooperation agreement with Russia, and (5) the sovereignty of the United States and its ability to pursue its own missile defense program should be protected. Prohibits FY2014 DOD funds from being used to provide the Russian Federation with sensitive missile defense information that would compromise U.S. national security in any way, including the "hit-to-kill" technology and telemetry data for missile defense interceptors or target vehicles.

(Sec. 234) Directs the MDA to deploy an X-band radar or other comparable sensor at a location optimized to support U.S. defense against long-range ballistic missile threats. Provides funding from RDT&E funds.

(Sec. 235) Directs the Secretary to: (1) evaluate options and alternatives for future sensor architectures for ballistic missile defense, and (2) report evaluation results to the defense and appropriations committees.

(Sec. 236) Prohibits any DOD funds from being obligated or expended for the medium extended air defense system.

Subtitle D: Reports and Other Matters - (Sec. 251) Directs the Comptroller General of the United States (CG) to annually: (1) review the acquisition program for the VXX presidential helicopter, and (2) report review results to the defense and appropriations committees. Terminates such requirements on the earlier of the date on which the Navy awards a contract for full-rate production of such aircraft or such acquisition program is terminated.

Title III: Operation and Maintenance - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 301) Authorizes appropriations for FY2014 for operation and maintenance (O&M) for the Armed Forces and activities and agencies of DOD as specified in the funding table.

Subtitle B: Logistics and Sustainment - (Sec. 311) Directs the Secretary to: (1) review current and expected manufacturing requirements across the military services and defense agencies which are appropriate for manufacturing within an arsenal owned by the United States in order to support critical manufacturing capabilities, (2) review manufacturing capabilities for which there is no or limited domestic commercial capability, and (3) report results to the defense and appropriations committees.

(Sec. 312) Includes additional elements within a current strategic policy on the DOD programs for prepositioned materiel and equipment. Requires the policy to address how such programs align with national defense strategies and departmental priorities. Directs the Secretary to: (1) establish joint oversight of the military services' prepositioning efforts to maximize efficiencies across DOD, and (2) submit to the defense and appropriations committees an implementation plan for such policy. Requires the CG to annually review the implementation plan and report review results to such committees.

(Sec. 313) Extends through FY2019 DOD authority to provide to other federal agencies transportation services (under current law, only airlift services) for non-DOD cargoes at the same rate that DOD charges its own branches and agencies. Allows such services to be used in support of foreign military sales.

Subtitle C: Readiness - (Sec. 321) Amends the Warner Act to: (1) include Marine Corps requirements in a required prioritization of funds for equipment readiness and strategic capability, and (2) repeal a required annual Secretary of the Army report and CG review concerning the Army's modular force structure.

(Sec. 322) Directs the Secretary to: (1) establish a policy setting forth DOD's programs and priorities for the retrograde, reconstitution, and replacement of units and materiel used to support overseas contingency operations; (2) submit to the defense and appropriations committees a plan for the implementation of such policy; and (3) submit to such committees annually for three years an update on progress made toward meeting plan goals. Requires the CG to review the implementation plan and report review results to such committees over the three-year period.

Subtitle D: Reports - (Sec. 331) Directs the Secretary to submit to such committees a comprehensive strategy for improving asset visibility tracking and in-transit visibility across DOD, together with the plans of the military departments for implementing such strategy. Requires a related CG assessment of such strategy and its implementation.

(Sec. 332) Revises, generally, DOD quarterly reports to Congress regarding military personnel and unit readiness.

(Sec. 333) Amends the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 to increase the threshold limits prior to a required report concerning DOD information technology capital assets.

(Sec. 334) Amends the Hunter Act to require each annual military department report concerning corrosion control and prevention to: (1) provide a clear link between such department's program and the overarching goals and objectives of the long-term corrosion control and prevention strategy developed and implemented by DOD, and (2) include performance measures to ensure that such program is achieving the long-term DOD goals and objectives.

Subtitle E: Limitations and Extension of Authority - (Sec. 341) Prohibits the obligation or expenditure of FY2014 DOD funds for the U.S. Special Operations Command National Capital Region until 30 days after the Secretary reports to the defense and appropriations committees on such Command.

(Sec. 342) Prohibits FY2014 DOD O&M funds from being obligated or expended for the establishment of regional special operations coordination centers. Requires a report from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict to the defense and appropriations committees on the establishment of such centers.

(Sec. 343) Prohibits FY2014 DOD O&M funds from being obligated or expended to continue the Trans Regional Web Initiative.

Subtitle F: Other Matters - (Sec. 351) States that it is U.S. policy that the Secretary shall take steps to reduce the separate development and fielding of service-specific combat and camouflage utility uniforms in order to collectively adopt and field the same such uniforms for use by all members of the Armed Forces (members) to the maximum extent possible. Prohibits each military service from adopting new designs for such uniforms, unless: (1) that uniform will be adopted by all military services; (2) that service adopts a uniform currently in use by another service; or (3) the Secretary grants an exception based on unique circumstances or requirements. Provides an exception to the prohibition with respect to personnel in support of the unified combatant command for special operations forces. Repeals an inconsistent policy under the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2010.

(Sec. 352) Authorizes the Secretary to transfer specified O&M funds to the U.S. Postal Service for modernizing and improving the delivery of absentee ballots to military personnel serving outside the United States.

Title IV: Military Personnel Authorizations - Subtitle A: Active Forces - (Sec. 401) Sets forth authorized end strengths for active-duty forces as of the end of FY2014.

Subtitle B: Reserve Forces - (Sec. 411) Sets forth authorized end strengths as of the end of FY2014 for members of the Selected Reserve and reserve personnel on active duty in support of the reserves.

(Sec. 413) Sets forth minimum end strengths for FY2014 for Army and Air Force reserve dual status military technicians.

(Sec. 414) Provides a FY2014 limitation on the number of non-dual status Army and Air National Guard and reserve military technicians.

(Sec. 415) Sets forth the maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active duty for operational support during FY2014.

Subtitle C: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 421) Authorizes appropriations for FY2014 for military personnel.

Title V: Military Personnel Policy - Subtitle A: Officer Personnel Policy Generally - (Sec. 501) Authorizes the Secretary of a military department, upon determining that the number of commissioned officers with cyberspace-related experience or advanced education serving on active duty in that armed force is critically below the number needed, to credit any person receiving an original appointment into that armed force with special experience or training or advanced education in a cyberspace-related field if such experience or training is directly related to the operational needs. Limits such credit to one year for each year of such special experience, training, or education and three years of total credit. Terminates such credit authority at the end of 2018.

Subtitle B: Reserve Component Management - (Sec. 506) Requires the Secretary of the military department concerned (Secretary concerned) to specify the number of officers that a selection board may recommend for early removal from the reserve active-status list and to submit a list that includes each officer in the same grade and competitive category in that zone of consideration, except for those officers who are approved for voluntary retirement or who will be involuntarily retired.

(Sec. 507) Allows, through 2016, an officer of the Army or Air National Guard to be transferred from the active to the inactive Army or Air National Guard, and vice versa, while filling a vacancy in a federally recognized unit of such National Guard.

(Sec. 508) Requires the Secretary's written approval for the cancellation of deployment of a unit of the reserves made within 180 days of the scheduled deployment when such cancellation is due to the deployment of an active-duty component to perform such mission. Directs the Secretary to notify the defense and appropriations committees and appropriate state governors of such cancellation.

(Sec. 509) Requires (current law authorizes) the Secretary to use the National Guard to conduct the National Guard Youth Challenge Program. Directs the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to: (1) conduct such Program in such states as the Chief considers appropriate, (2) prescribe standards and procedures for selecting Program participants, and (3) report annually to Congress on the Program.

Subtitle C: General Service Authorities - (Sec. 511) Includes as a prohibited personnel action under military whistleblower protection provisions a retaliatory action taken in response to communication with or to a representative of a Member of Congress, a court, grand jury, or court-martial proceeding, or an authorized official of the Department of Justice (DOJ) or another law enforcement agency. Includes as a retaliatory action a significant change in a member's duties or responsibilities not commensurate with the member's grade. Provides that neither an initial determination of whether a prohibited personnel retaliatory action was taken against a member for such a communication nor a subsequent investigation is required in the case of an allegation made more than 180 (under current law, 60) days after the member first becomes aware of the personnel action.

Requires reports by inspectors general of the military departments concerning prohibited retaliatory personnel actions to be submitted to the Secretary concerned (under current law, to the Secretary of Defense). Requires any corrective action to occur within 30 days after the receipt of such report. Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security (with respect to the Coast Guard) and the Secretary concerned, when determining not to take a recommended corrective action, to notify the Secretary and the member of such determination and the reasons therefor.

(Sec. 512) Amends the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 to provide an exception to the requirement that the Armed Forces accommodate individual expressions of belief of servicemembers when such an expression could have an adverse impact on military readiness, unit cohesion, and good order and discipline.

(Sec. 513) Directs the DOD Inspector General to submit to the defense and appropriations committees: (1) an assessment of DOD compliance with requirements for protection of the rights of members and chaplains to their conscience, moral principles, and religious beliefs; and (2) the results of an investigation concerning adverse personnel actions against members based on such conscience, principles, or beliefs.

Subtitle D: Member Education and Training - (Sec. 521) Authorizes the School of Advanced Military Studies senior-level course at the Army Command and General Staff College to offer joint professional military education phase II instruction and credit.

(Sec. 522) Authorizes the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences to offer undergraduate degrees, certificates, and certifications (in addition to graduate degrees and certifications). Allows the Secretary to negotiate agreements with federal agencies to utilize existing federal medical resources in any area (under current law, only in or near the District of Columbia).

(Sec. 523) Makes eligible for the Community College of the Air Force's associate degree program enlisted members of the Armed Forces other than the Air Force who are participating in joint-service medical training and education or serving as instructors in such training and education.

(Sec. 524) Requires educational institutions participating in DOD educational assistance programs to enter into and comply with educational program participation requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and to meet certain related standards. Authorizes the Secretary to waive such requirement in specified instances.

(Sec. 525) Directs the department Secretaries to make information on civilian credentialing opportunities available to members beginning with, and at every stage of, their training for military occupational specialities in order to permit such members to: (1) evaluate the extent to which such training correlates with skills and training required for various civilian certifications and licenses, and (2) assess the suitability of such training for obtaining and pursuing such certifications and licenses. Requires the information made available to: (1) be consistent with the Transition Goals Plans Success program, and (2) include information on the civilian occupational equivalents of military occupational specialties. Requires such Secretaries to make available to civilian credentialing agencies specified information on the content of military training provided to members.

(Sec. 526) Requires that the military occupational specialties designated under a pilot program on the receipt of civilian credentials under the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012 include those specialties relating to the military information technology workforce.

(Sec. 527) Expresses the sense of the Senate strongly urging the Secretary to: (1) ensure that the Troops-to-Teachers program is a priority for commitment to the higher education of members, and (2) provide funds for the program in order to help separating members and veterans who wish to transition into a teaching career.

(Sec. 528) Reflects the name change of North Georgia College and State University (a senior military college) to the University of North Georgia.

Subtitle E: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and Military Justice Matters - Part I: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response - (Sec. 531) Prohibits any person convicted of rape or sexual assault, forcible sodomy, incest, or an attempt thereof from being processed for commissioning or being permitted to enlist in the Armed Forces. Repeals an inconsistent provision under the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013.

(Sec. 532) Authorizes the Secretary concerned to provide guidance for commanders regarding their authority to make a timely determination and take action regarding the temporary assignment or removal of a member serving on active duty who is alleged to have committed a sexual assault or other sex-related offense.

(Sec. 533) Directs the Secretary concerned (under current law, the Secretaries of the military departments) to issue regulations to ensure the timely determination of a request for a permanent change of station or unit transfer by a member who is the victim of a sexual assault or related offense (thereby including the Coast Guard within such requirement).

(Sec. 534) Requires inclusion in a member's personnel service record of a substantiated complaint of a sexual-related offense by such member. Requires commanding officer review of a member's history of substantiated sexual offenses upon the member's transfer to the new command.

(Sec. 535) Amends the Skelton Act to provide additional duties for the Director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office within DOD, including: (1) providing guidance and assistance for the military departments in addressing matters relating to sexual assault prevention and response, (2) acting as liaison between DOD and other federal and state agencies on sexual assault prevention and response programs, and (3) overseeing development of program guidance and joint planning objectives in support of such program. Requires the Director to also collect and maintain data of the military departments concerning sexual assault prevention and response.

(Sec. 536) Requires the Secretary to review the adequacy of the training, qualifications, and experience of each member and civilian DOD employee who is assigned a position that includes responsibility for sexual assault prevention and response within the Armed Forces. Includes in such review an assessment of the adequacy of the training and certifications required of sexual assault response coordinators and sexual assault victim advocates by the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012. Requires the Secretary, upon a determination that any such member or employee does not have the necessary training, qualifications, or experience, to take appropriate responsive actions that include: (1) retraining or recertification, or (2) reassignment and replacement of the member or employee. Directs the Secretary, following the review required by this section, to prescribe in regulations: (1) appropriate minimum levels of training, qualifications, and experience for such personnel; and (2) requirements for improvements in training, including of sexual assault response coordinators and sexual assault victim advocates. Requires a report from the Secretary to the defense committees on actions taken under this section.

(Sec. 537) Amends the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2012 to require the Secretary concerned to ensure that each member of the National Guard or reserves who is the victim of a sexual assault has access to a sexual assault response coordinator within two business days after requesting such assistance.

(Sec. 538) Amends the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 to require sexual assault forms and records to be retained for at least 50 years.

(Sec. 539) Directs each department Secretary to implement a program providing a Special Victims' Counsel to a member or member-dependent victim of a sexual assault committed by another member. Outlines Counsel qualifications and duties, including providing advice and assistance in connection with criminal and civil legal matters related to the assault. Allows such victim to receive Counsel assistance. Requires such victim to be informed of the availability of such assistance at the time the victim originally seeks assistance from a sexual response coordinator or sexual assault victim advocate, a military criminal investigator, a victim/witness liaison, a trial counsel, a health care provider, or any other personnel designated by the Secretary concerned. Makes such assistance available regardless of whether the victim elects unrestricted or restricted (confidential) reporting of the incident.

(Sec. 540) Expresses the sense of Congress that: (1) commanding officers are responsible for establishing a command climate in which sexual assault allegations are properly managed and fairly evaluated and a victim can report criminal activity without fear of retaliation, (2) the failure of such officers to maintain such a climate is an appropriate basis for relief from their positions, and (3) senior officers should evaluate such performance in subordinate commanding officers during the regular periodic counseling and performance appraisal process.

(Sec. 541) Requires a commanding officer who receives a report of a sexual-related offense involving a member in his or her chain of command to act immediately upon such report by way of referral to the appropriate criminal investigative organization or service.

(Sec. 542) Requires the appropriate inspector general to investigate allegations of retaliatory personnel actions taken in response to making protected communications regarding alleged instances of rape, sexual assault, or other forms of sexual misconduct in violation of the UCMJ.

(Sec. 543) Amends the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2013 to revise the termination date of a panel to review and assess sexual assault military response systems. Requires such panel to also assess: (1) the opportunities for clemency provided in the military and civilian systems; (2) the means by which identifying information of an alleged offender could be compiled in a database accessible only to appropriate investigative personnel; and (3) the effectiveness of sexual assault prevention and response provisions of this Act, provisions offered by senators of the Senate defense committee which were not adopted for this Act, provisions of this Act concerning judicial proceedings in connection with sexual assault, and judicial proceeding provisions offered by such senators which were not adopted. Requires the unadopted provisions to be transmitted to such panel.

(Sec. 546) Amends such Act to require an independent panel established to review and assess judicial proceedings in connection with sexual assault cases to also assess the adequacy of the provision of compensation and restitution to such victims under the UCMJ and to recommend options for expanding such compensation and restitution.

Part II: Related Military Justice Matters - (Sec. 551) Eliminates the five-year statute of limitations with respect to UCMJ actions for sexual assault and sexual assault of a child.

(Sec. 552) Directs the Secretary to require the military department Secretaries to review decisions not to refer charges to trial by court-martial in cases where a specified sexual offense covered under the UCMJ has been alleged. Provides for the forwarding for review of cases not referred to court-martial following a staff judge advocate or convening authority decision not to so refer such charges. Requires the victim to be notified of the results of any such review.

(Sec. 553) Requires that if a defense counsel in an action under the UCMJ wishes to interview a complaining witness, the interview request must be placed through trial counsel. Requires any such interview to take place in the presence of the trial counsel, the counsel for the witness, or outside counsel.

(Sec. 554) Requires mandatory dismissal or dishonorable discharge of a person found guilty under the UCMJ of rape, sexual assault, forcible sodomy, or an attempt thereof.

(Sec. 555) Limits the authority of a convening authority to modify the findings of a court-martial to those offenses for which the maximum sentence does not exceed one year and the sentence given by the court-martial does not include a punitive discharge or confinement for more than six months. Requires such authority to explain any such modification and requires the explanation to be made a part of the trial record.

(Sec. 556) Allows a complaining witness to be given an opportunity to submit matters for consideration by the convening authority in the clemency phase of a court-martial. Requires such submission to be made within 10 days after the complaining witness is given a trial record. Allows such period to be extended by up to an additional 20 days for good cause shown.

(Sec. 557) Directs the Secretary to submit to the defense committees recommendations for appropriate modifications to the UCMJ to prohibit sexual acts and contacts between military instructors and their trainees.

(Sec. 558) Expresses the sense of the Senate, with regard to charges under the UCMJ of rape, sexual assault, forcible sodomy, or an attempt thereof, that: (1) such charge should be disposed of by court-martial rather than non-judicial punishment or administrative action, and (2) any charge that is disposed of by non-judicial punishment or administrative action should include a justification.

(Sec. 559) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) the Armed Forces should be sparing in discharging in lieu of court-martial members who have committed any of such offenses; (2) whenever possible, the victims should be consulted prior to a discharge determination; (3) commanding officers should consider the views of the victims when determining whether to discharge such members in lieu of court-martial; and (4) any such discharge should be characterized as "other than honorable."

Part III: Other Military Justice and Legal Matters - (Sec. 561) Allows a former commissioned officer to be appointed as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, but only after at least seven years after his or her active-duty service.

(Sec. 562) Replaces the UCMJ offense of sodomy with the offenses of forcible sodomy and bestiality (thereby, in effect, repealing the offense of consensual sodomy).

(Sec. 563) Directs the Secretary to prescribe regulations, or to require the department Secretaries to prescribe regulations, that prohibit retaliation against a victim or member who reports a criminal offense. Requires a report from the Secretary to Congress as to whether the UCMJ should be amended to prohibit such retaliation.

(Sec. 564) Requires the Secretary to recommend to the President modifications to the Manual for Courts-Martial, and to prescribe other appropriate regulations, to enforce the rights of victims of military crimes and to ensure compliance with such rights by members and civilian DOD personnel. Provides specific rights for such victims under the UCMJ, including the right: (1) to be protected from the accused; (2) to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any public proceeding involving the offense; (3) to not be excluded from such proceeding (with an exception); (4) to confer with trial counsel; (5) to full and timely restitution; (6) to proceedings free from unreasonable delay; and (7) to be treated with fairness and respect for the victim's dignity and privacy. Provides for the assumption of such rights by a legal guardian, family member, or other designated person in the case of a victim who is under 18 years old, incompetent, incapacitated, or deceased.

(Sec. 565) Requires the discussion pertaining to Rule 306 (relating to policy on initial disposition of offenses) of such Manual to be amended to strike the character and military service of the accused from factors to be considered by a commander in deciding how to dispose of an offense.

Subtitle F: Defense Dependents' Education and Military Family Readiness Matters - (Sec. 571) Earmarks specified DOD O&M funds for: (1) assistance to local educational agencies that benefit a significant number of dependents of members and civilian DOD employees, and (2) the DOD payment of impact aid for children with severe disabilities, as provided under the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001.

Subtitle G: Decorations and Awards - (Sec. 581) Authorizes, if warranted, the award to one individual of more than one Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, or Distinguished Service Medal. Changes the time limits for recommending (from two years to three years after the distinguished service) and awarding (from three years to five years after the date of the act justifying the award) any such medal to members of the Army and Air Force (thereby standardizing such limits for all military departments).

(Sec. 582) Establishes in each military department and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard Medal of Honor Roll. Directs: (1) the Secretary concerned to enter and record on such Honor Roll each person who has been awarded a Medal of Honor, and (2) each person listed to be issued a certificate of enrollment. Entitles listed individuals to a special monthly pension of $1,000. Allows an individual to elect to decline such pension.

(Sec. 583) Authorizes the Secretary of the Army to award the Distinguished Service Cross to: (1) Robert F. Keiser for acts of valor during the Korean War; and (2) Patrick N. Watkins, Jr., for acts of valor during the Vietnam War.

Subtitle H: Other Matters - (Sec. 591) Requires the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Affairs to coordinate periodic briefings for families of missing persons about DOD efforts to account for them.

(Sec. 592) Requires the Secretary concerned to withhold from a missing person's personnel files, as privileged information, any survival, evasion, resistance, and escape debriefing report obtained under a promise of confidentiality made for the purpose of ensuring the fullest possible disclosure of information.