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    BILL INTRODUCED 3/27/2014





Truth in Settlements Act of 2014 - Sets forth new requirements for the pubic disclosure of any covered settlement agreement entered into by a federal executive agency. Defines "covered settlement agreement" as a settlement agreement (including a consent decree) that: (1) is entered into by an executive agency, (2) relates to an alleged violation of federal civil or criminal law, and (3) requires the payment of not less than $1 million by one or more non-federal persons (entities not within the federal government).

Requires the head of each executive agency to make publicly available on the agency website a list of each covered settlement agreement entered into by the agency, which shall include: (1) the names of the parties to the settlement agreement and the date of such agreement; (2) a description of the claims that were settled under the agreement; (3) the amount each party to the agreement is obligated to pay under the terms of the agreement and the total amounts required to be paid; and (4) for each settling party, the amount the settling party is obligated to pay that has been designated as a civil penalty or fine. Requires: (1) such information to remain publicly available for five years after the date of the agreement, and (2) a copy of a covered settlement agreement to remain publicly available until at least one year after the date of the agreement, or until five years after such date for an agreement under which a non-federal person is required to pay not less than $50 million.

Limits the disclosure of provisions of a covered settlement agreement that are subject to a confidentiality agreement.

Requires the issuer of securities subject to reporting requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to describe in required reports any claim of a tax deduction relating to a payment under a covered settlement agreement.