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    BILL INTRODUCED 2/6/2014





Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program Authorization and Accountability Act of 2014 - Reestablishes the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Program, under which the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) is required to: (1) establish risk-based performance standards designed to protect covered chemical facilities from acts of terrorism; (2) require such facilities to submit security vulnerability assessments and develop and implement site security plans; (3) review and approve or disapprove each such assessment and plan; (4) arrange for the audit and inspection of covered chemical facilities to determine compliance with this Act; and (5) notify, and issue an order to comply to, the owner or operator of a facility not in compliance.

Authorizes the Secretary to: (1) issue an order assessing a civil penalty or to cease operations if an owner or operator fails to comply; and (2) approve an alternative security program established by a private sector entity or a federal, state, or local authority that meets the requirements of this Act.

Authorizes a covered chemical facility, in order to satisfy the requirements of a risk-based performance standard that addresses personnel surety by identifying individuals with terrorist ties, to utilize any federal screening program that periodically vets individuals against the terrorist screening database.

Requires the Secretary to: (1) consult with the heads of other federal agencies, states and political subdivisions, and relevant business associations to identify all chemical facilities of interest; and (2) develop a risk assessment approach and corresponding tiering methodology that incorporates all relevant elements of risk, including threat, vulnerability, and consequence. Defines "covered chemical facility" to mean a chemical facility that the Secretary designates as a facility of interest and determines presents a high level of security risk, with specified exceptions.

Requires: (1) information developed pursuant to this Act to be protected from public disclosure, but permits the sharing of such information with state and local government officials possessing the necessary security clearances; and (2) information submitted to or obtained by the Secretary under this Act to be treated as classified material.

Sets forth civil penalties for violations of orders issued under this Act.

Terminates this Act two years after its enactment.