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    BILL INTRODUCED 11/18/2013





Department of Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facility Lease Authorization Act of 2013 - Authorizes the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to carry out specified major medical facility leases (leases) in New Mexico, New Jersey, South Carolina, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Florida, Puerto Rico, Texas, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Nebraska, Arizona, and Oklahoma.

Directs the Secretary, in exercising the authority to enter into such leases, to record as the full cost of the contractual obligation at the time a contract is executed either: (1) the amount of total payments under the full lease term; or (2) if the lease specifies payments to be made in the event the lease is terminated before its full term, an amount sufficient to cover the first-year payments plus the specified cancellation costs.

Requires the funding prospectus of a proposed lease to include a detailed analysis of how the lease is expected to comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11 (which provides guidance to federal agencies in meeting statutory requirements for disclosure of the full costs of contracts or leases) and the Anti-Deficiency Act, including an analysis of: (1) the classification of the lease as a lease-purchase, capital lease, or operating lease; (2) the obligation of budgetary resources associated with the lease; and (3) the methodology used in determining the asset cost, fair market value, and cancellation costs of the lease.

Directs the Secretary, at least 30 days before entering into a lease, to submit to the congressional veterans committees: (1) notice of the intention to enter into, and a copy of, such lease; (2) a description and analysis of any differences between the lease prospectus submitted and the proposed lease; and (3) a scoring analysis demonstrating that the proposed lease fully complies with OMB Circular A-11. Requires the Secretary, no more than 30 days after entering into a lease, to report any material differences between the proposed lease and the lease entered.