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    BILL INTRODUCED 10/28/2013





    • S.1582 : A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit reports on the provision of services by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with hearing loss and other auditory system injuries and the measures that can be taken jointly by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense with respect to hearing loss and other auditory system injuries, and for other purposes.

      Bill Categories
      Congressional oversight, Department of Defense, Veterans' medical care, Department of Veterans Affairs, Armed forces and national security, Disability and paralysis, Health promotion and preventive care, Health information and medical records, Veterans' pensions and compensation, Medical tests and diagnostic methods, Hearing, speech, and vision care
      Official Webpage

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - S1582-113 10/30/2013
A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit reports on the provision of services by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with hearing loss and other auditory system injuries and the measures that can be taken jointly by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense with respect to hearing loss and other auditory system injuries, and for other purposes.

S1582-113-A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit reports on the provision of services by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with hearing loss and other auditory system injuries and the measures that can be taken jointly by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense with respect to hearing loss and other auditory system injuries, and for other purposes.

Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Hearings held.

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - S1582-113 10/28/2013
A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit reports on the provision of services by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with hearing loss and other auditory system injuries and the measures that can be taken jointly by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense with respect to hearing loss and other auditory system injuries, and for other purposes.

S1582-113-A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit reports on the provision of services by the Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with hearing loss and other auditory system injuries and the measures that can be taken jointly by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense with respect to hearing loss and other auditory system injuries, and for other purposes.

Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

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