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    BILL INTRODUCED 10/22/2013

    SENATE PASSED 11/19/2013




    • H.R.3304 : To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

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      Alaska, Elementary and secondary education, Congressional oversight, Europe, Religion, Terrorism, Latin America, Higher education, Alliances, Congressional tributes, Israel, Poland, Russia, Germany, Monuments and memorials, Government trust funds, Music, Crime prevention, Crimes against women, China, Judges, Romania, Research and development, Department of Defense, Syria, North Korea, California, Illinois, Iowa, New York State, Washington State, Military readiness, Land transfers, Veterans' medical care, Building construction, Africa, Texas, Coast guard, Iran, Guam, Japan, Iraq, Kuwait, Senate, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maryland, Colombia, Postal service, Detention of persons, Caribbean area, Cuba, New Jersey, Medical research, Portugal, Vietnam, Hawaii, Policy sciences, New Mexico, Nuclear weapons, Uganda, Members of Congress, Chad, Libya, Niger, Massachusetts, Jordan, Department of Transportation, Kentucky, Military law, Performance measurement, Special education, Personnel records, Mil
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  • NEW ROLL CALL (283) FOR BILL HR3304-113
  • 12/19/2013
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On the Motion to Table H.R. 3304
Motion to Table Agreed to

  • 4 Yays 2 Nays

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  • 12/19/2013

H.R.3304 To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Alexander, Lamar

Alexander, Lamar
Republican - TN

Ayotte, Kelly

Ayotte, Kelly
Republican - NH

Baldwin, Tammy

Baldwin, Tammy
Democratic - WI

Barrasso, John

Barrasso, John
Republican - WY

Baucus, Max

Baucus, Max
Democratic - MT

Begich, Mark

Begich, Mark
Democratic - AK
  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 11/20/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Message on Senate action sent to the House.

  • 27 Yays 12 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 11/19/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 11/19/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Passed Senate with amendments and an amendment to the Title by Unanimous Consent.

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 11/19/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Senate Committee on Armed Services discharged by Unanimous Consent.

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 10/29/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 10/28/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H6778-6780)

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 10/28/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 3304.

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 10/28/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Mr. Rogers (AL) moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill.

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 10/28/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H6778-6779)

  • 0 Yays 0 Nays

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Bill Status Update BILL STATUS UPDATE - HR3304-113 10/22/2013
To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

HR3304-113-To authorize and request the President to award the Medal of Honor to Bennie G. Adkins and Donald P. Sloat of the United States Army for acts of valor during the Vietnam Conflict and to authorize the award of the Medal of Honor to certain other veterans who were previously recommended for award of the Medal of Honor.

Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.

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